Certificato n.1710 - NORMA UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Sede Sociale e Amministrativa:
Via Vigonovese, 62 - 35020 PADOVA
Codice Fiscale e Partita Iva : 00227660289
Iscrizione Albo Trasporti n. PD/2453203/M
Relations policy with Customers
The service provided by Angelo Finesso S.p.A. must have and maintain the quality required by the market and contractually agreed with the customer, and respond to the current legislation. All the orders relating to the services that the Angel Finesso S.p.A. receives are promptly processed
Political relations with the environment
The Angelo Finesso S.p.A. maintains in good condition the means and infrastructure used, to avoid wastage or unjustifiable consumption of energy and raw materials by means of maintenance programs and responsible behavior in the whole process.