Finesso OnLine

Accurate information 24 hours a day - 7/7

Finesso online

Simple... accurate information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week....

You can choose between the services:

  • Finesso Online
    allows you to manage information about your shipments efficiently through our technological solution.
  • Finesso EDI
    It allows you to interface your system with that of Finesso for data exchange between the two information systems.
  • Finesso Track & Tracing
    It allows you to monitor the progress of your shipments directly from your workstation. In any case, our Customer Service will always be ready to support you if necessary


Sede Amministrativa
Via Vigonovese, 62
35127 PADOVA

Tel. 049.8067011 r.c
Fax 049.760109 r.a.
P.iva 00227660289
Iscrizione Albo Trasporti n. PD/2453203/M